Wednesday, December 25, 2019

He's Our Heroine Christmas Special

Andy wasn't a big fan of Christmas by default. Sure, he liked the presents and the food and the lazing around for a couple weeks during the winter, but this year he couldn't really go home as his parents might notice he now looked like a girl. Attempts to hide that with a glamour hadn't quite worked. So it was going to be a Friendsmas.

And he had more questions about the religious stuff since meeting an actual goddess and taking a day trip to Hell.

And what was he supposed to get for, among others, an immortal witch who claimed to predate Christmas starting?

He'd settled on a book. A new book, so Strega was slightly less likely to have read it.

He also needed to get some ingredients for everything Cookies was planning on cooking.

And then he looked up as he heard a scuffle among the crowd of shoppers. A scuffle that was coming his way...

"If this is the Krampus I'm going to be really put out..."

At least it wasn't that. Though the guy did have ice blue eyes and his breath was steaming even though it was still barely jacket weather. Though Andy had used the excuse of the slight chill to bundle up while Lisa couldn't really complain about it.

"Chosen." The man growled.
"Hi!" Andy did his best to smile brightly. "Are you looking for the giftwrap counter? Take a left..."
"You would rather we not do battle surrounded by this throng?"
"Wouldja mind?"
"I care not."
"Awesome. So the exit's - "

And then the man raised a hand and launched a flurry of needles of ice at him.

"All I wanted for Christmas..." Andy sighed, and drew the sword.


Joe adjusted his scarf, as it was the first time this year that it had actually been good for warmth, and rechecked the list of ingredients in tiny, flowery handwriting with mouse pawprints at the edges.

Lisa was busy debating which color palette of makeup to get for Andy - she had already gotten him a 'not really a girl' gift as well to make up for the look on his face - when they both felt the gust of cold air and heard the crashing and thumping.

Sure enough, there was Andy, fighting a blue-white figure attacking with an ice storm.

"Guys! Suggestions?" he called over. "I tried to make the sword go fiery already!"
"Actual fire?" Joe suggested uncertainly.
"Hang on!" Lisa dashed to the sidewalk and the hot chestnut vendor, grabbed a big bag, and flung them into the guy. He steamed as the roasted missiles seared into him, and then shattered.

People stepped around the rapidly melting pile of ice without comment.

"So much for a quiet holiday season..." Andy sighed.


"Okay, at least we managed this..." Andy said as he sat down his shopping bag of ingredients.

Cookies looked over the bags, tightened the bow on the suitably festive apron she'd made, and went in. She was already baking gingerbread men that were taller than she was.

She looked up at Andy and squeaked.

"Sorry, I couldn't find any. Also, there was an ice monster."

Cookies squeaked again, worried.

"I'm sure it won't be too much of a thing..."


"It's a herald of the Seven Winds."
"Any idea what they want, other than they're generally Snow Miserly?"

Professor Strega Mallos adjusted her glasses.

"An end to warm days. Forever."


Olivia frowned and looked up from her phone screen. "Okay, either the weather satellites are all wonky, or we have Snow Goons threatening the end of term party."
Andy sighed. "Please tell me I don't have to go in undercover."
"Okay, I will. Because hey, I'm not Lisa."


Lisa had already picked out an outfit. It looked decidedly short, deep red velvet with white fluffy trim, and a Santa hat to match.

"If you wanna get in unnoticed..."
"How would this make me unnoticed?"


"Well, at least it's designed for high kicks!" he grumbled as he put a shiny black boot into the lead herald's face.

Not a lot of sources of heat, he realized as he looked around. But hey, they were cold and wet.

He swung hard and propelled the leader into the town hall Christmas tree. A string of lights broke and everything started sparking and buzzing.

The heralds cracked, broke, melted and shattered. And nobody seemed to notice.

Quite a few guys were staring at him, though...


Andy curled up on the couch in front of the log fire, warming his hands on a mug of cocoa, huddling in a thick blanket, shivering and sniffling.

"Okay, fine," Lisa said as she handed him a plate of cake, "next time we fight ice monsters I'll get you a big long White Christmas dress instead."
"My wish come true..." he deadpanned.


But he was better come the day, and his friends came by with gifts, and food. Akiva attempted not to look amused by a funny sweater - mostly in black. The mice all came, so there was an excellent supply of cheeses. Strega actually hadn't read the book.

And Andy was able to use his sniffle as an excuse for a comfy sweater and for nobody to try to kiss him under the mistletoe...

Merry Christmas! Thanks to WB! :)

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