Thursday, July 09, 2015


It's my Elliquiy anniversary - seven years, during which I've even managed to finish writing a few stories. (Statistically, more with Wenterburn than anyone else. After last week, possibly more with Wenterburn than everyone else.)

Roleplaying / shared fiction writing by forum can be frustratingly slow, even without sudden stops and disappearing partners, especially when a story really has your interest. Especially if it's a sexy scene rather than a dramatic one, and they often are.

If I were a lot less lazy, I'd collect some of the completed ones (and complete some of the incomplete ones) to put on Fictionmania or somewhere. See how many can people work out where one writer starts and the other ends. As it is, at least I have some readers there. I'm hoping I can share the current non-public American Civil War forced feminization story I'm co-writing when it's finished. Yum!

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