Thursday, August 01, 2019

He's Our Heroine season one episode guide


The New Girl

Andy / Mandy Clark
Lisa Becker
Joe Woods
Professor Strega Mallos
Neriene of Mars / Professor Mars

Bear Cult
Locust Cult
Bulkhead and Skellington
Judy, Moody and Rudy
Percy and Shinji

"I'm a girl?!"

Professor Mallos acquires the Sword from a museum but it goes into the filing and labelling system for the University collection. Bear cultists attempt to steal it, using magic from the Bear Medallion to weaken its defences. Andy, Lisa and Joe interrupt, Lisa is knocked down and Andy helps her up, getting some of her blood from a cut on his hand. As he picks up the confused Sword, it turns him into a girl so that he can wield it, even though the girl who provided that spot of blood is only eight feet away at the time.

He defeats the leading Bear cultist and captures the Amulet. A Locust cultist escapes in the confusion.

Strega takes the news that Andy is now the Protector reasonably well. Reasonably. She sends him to an old ally-slash-adversary, Neriene of Mars, for training.


The New Girl, Part Two

“Child. Protector. Mine. You have slain one, Protector, but more will come. Do you tire so easily of the weight of the sword?”

Attempting to relax after a long day of having javelins thrown at him, he and Joe get pizza as Lisa goes out. Unfortunately the pizza guy turns out to be the Locust cultist (or maybe he ate the real pizza guy... or just stole his truck, yes, let's say that...) and he needs a plan and the aid of the his friends and mentors to defeat him. And it seems his labors aren't over yet.


The Girl All The Bad Guys Want

Trevor, aka the Curse Manifest
Mono Zombies

"It wasn't a date, he just asked me to come and hear him play, and he had a life-draining monster ulterior motive."

Lisa drags Andy shopping, using an enchanted credit card provided by Professor Mallos, claiming he needs to be able to blend in and can't wear pants and hoodies all the time.

While taking stock of this alarming number of new clothes in the mall café, Andy notices Akiva glancing his way, before being approached by Trevor, who somehow manages to seem charming rather than pushy despite being hugely pushy, and being in a band which plays "music", Andy can't quite keep up and finds himself not-quite-disagreeing-enough to go see them play.

Between Lisa's encouragement and his own social awkwardness about backing out, Andy finds himself at the Crest, and wearing a miniskirt and high heels.

And it doesn't take long for him to realize that everybody's very into the rather genetic music. And a bit kiss-chase wild. And their lips are turning blue. And they may be zombies.

Escaping with the aid of the just-arriving and not-invited Joe, Andy stabs Trevor in the foot with a heel, and then takes over the mic and de-zombies the group with a crappy yet rousing rendition of Shake It Off. (Seguing into Just A Girl, and then Pretend To Be Nice by Josie and the Pussycats.)

Back at the apartment they let off some steam, and Joe suggests he and Andy use blue lipstick to prank Lisa but that leads to awkwardness regarding who might kiss whom.

And as Joe gives Andy a kiss on the cheek to spread the look around.

The awkwardness continues until Trevor attacks. And after, because Trevor manages to kiss Andy and then explodes, passing his infection on to him.

Akiva steps in to help, having some familiarity with the occult. Being Prince of Darkness.

And Joe and Lisa are able to force the infection out through the use of Take Me Home, Country Roads.

Strega is disappointed that she didn’t get to use a magic doll to trap the curse.

Akiva doesn't stick around to be thanked...


All The Right Moves

Eta Beta Pi fraternity
Lenny, longboard Guy
Theta Chi fraternity
The Statue Knight
Father Zed
"A feather can tip the scales, a lever can move the world. Master the feather, conquer the world."

"You're technically still mortal, but you're not boring."

"I'm not fighting my hips! They started it!"

Renaissance Art History by Judy, Moody and Rudy, and then a sudden outbreak of Renaissance art in the middle of campus. Anyone with supernatural senses now sees the EBP frat house as a castle. Which means... going undercover at a formal dance.

Morris House, Joe and formerly Andy's residence.

"The compact helps you see through illusions, so long as you powder your nose every ten minutes or so.

"Chosen, you will run distraction by wearing the earrings, they'll draw attention to you and away from Love Interest.

"The cuff links are for Sidekick. While his magic is developing, it'll help him break down doors and throw off pursuers and attackers.

Joe might have become King, able to call the Sacred Paladin.

Father Zed uses a Shroud to heal Akiva. But apparently it includes separating him from his dark power as a feature of healing.


Girls' Night Out, part one

Chatty Cuppa café
The talisman of Horangi
Caesar, Brutus and Cassius, goblins, with their own mystical weapons

"Do you feel you are unfit for the Sword? There have been instances of it being handed over...."

Attempting to get Andy out of the doldrums, Lisa takes him to a wine and cheese exhibition opening at the museum. Just in time for a gang of goblins to try to steal the talisman of Horangi, using a variety of magical devices, a set of pipes that cause uncontrolled dancing, an amphora which causes drunken stumbling when tipped, and a laurel wreath that brings out uncertainty.

Andy gets hit by that pretty hard.

The uncertainty was already there...

For those keeping track of kisses, Lisa kisses him on the cheek as he complains he’s more like the Beast than Mulan.


Girls' Night Out, part two

Ingrid Elsa Halversson and the Vivid Valkyries hockey team
Rayna, a Vivid Valkyrie
Chad  and the werewolf Ultimate Frisbee bros
Marty (mention only)
More goblins
Reflecting Pool at the chapel which shows possible futures
Medallions of Wolf and Scorpion (vision only)
Werebear (mention only)
Golden armor

“Will you trust me? All will be just as it should be, in the end.”

Giving the sword to Lisa, Andy finds he's still Mandy.

Akiva is currently lacking his connection to the Darkness. (His patron may be the Goddess's uncle...)

On their way to the chapel, they see an ultimate frisbee group turn into werewolves and attack a  hockey team, whose leader turns out to be the girl Andy had to pretend to be when he first met Professor Mallos... and also a Valkyrie, a Totem with powers to fight, heal, and cloud memories. And her team seem to be picking some of her mystical power up as well...

A vision from the future, and a visitation from the Goddess, and Andy takes up the sword again.


Remember Me

Hellhounds (one of whom got off lightly due to whimpering)
Akiva's Darkfire
Shelly Things
Worm Beast, slimy, spiny
Hell portal by phone
Akiva's laser eye
Wizard's First Rule: if you can do it with your hands...
wailing demons, flesh render (mentions only)
Steve Lord
Olivia’s medical robot

"Hey. It's me. I'm drunk and I need you to pick me up, please. Can you go to Hell?"

Following a forfeit for failing to use the dishwasher correctly, Lisa gets to choose Andy's outfit for the day. So Judy, Moody and Rudy approve of the dress he arrives to class in. They view him as a Mysterious Lady, which he might find flattering is he lets himself.

Their lunch and project planning on the quad is interrupted by a call from Strega, and Andy finds himself in two places at once, the second being actual literal Hell. Strega calls in Akiva to help rescue her after she wound up down there following some research after happy hour the night before. She advises Andy to make sure Akiva doesn't use his daemonic powers down there as that his soul will be forfeit. Forfeits are so much trouble.

"I modified a Sending Spell so instead of replying in language, your soul travels through Tanaka's Third and Vector Sigma to --"

Moody and Rudy introduce Andy to Steve, who was curious about Professor Mars's teaching style.

The dragon guarding the gate back to Earth burns half of Andy's face off in the battle, and Akiva transfers the damage to himself, losing an eye.

Back in regular reality, Steve helps Andy get Akiva to the Chapel and doesn’t ask too many awkward questions.

Lisa and Joe’s reactions to meeting Steve are very different.

Olivia brings out a medical robot and makes Akiva a new eye, including a hologram projector and a laser with a hair trigger, until he can grow a new organic one that is less dangerous.

Strega and Neriene offer more active help as well as advice in future, in hopes that their charges can get a bit more of a life.


Out Of Time

Time Mice!

Lady Amanda Evangeline Dearheart (in a picture)
Mildred the lady’s maid
Sir Roland Franklin
The Waterfront Protection Society
Ginette, former maid besotted with Roland
Oriphelle Mudd, lioness among sheep
The Reds (one named Jarlesburg)

"Note to self: don't go back in these clothes. Go back naked if you have to."

Akiva and Joe practice moving objects with their thoughts in parallel, which involves holding hands but only Lisa seems to find that amusing. Interrupted by an alarm, they go to the clock tower and find mouse-people scientists using it to create some kind of swirly orange portal. They cover their exit with firecracker-shooting wind-up mice and Joe levitates the group to safety, but with a tug from the sword Andy dives in after them...

... and lands in Crestwood circa 1891.

Apparently everybody thinks he’s Lady Amanda Dearheart, including the crew of the crashed ship she was due to arrive on, Mildred the lady’s maid, Lord Dearheart her father, and Sir Roland Franklin. Her fiancé. Who looks like Steve with a mustache.

He’s helping the recovery effort, and introduces Andy to Oriphelle, Ginette and their group of working women at the city docks. Surprising them with his strength and willingness to help, he also hears about a series of break-ins nearby, including at a watchmaker’s the night before. And plans for a charity gala to raise funds for the shipping company.

Lunch at the Regent, and plans are in place. Then to escape into the night and find the Time Mice! Writer explains that they’re trying to find their sister, and being hunted by someone, while Cookies attempts to make tea and Worker watches the door.

The hunter proves to be Roland, trying to solve the robberies himself in a vigilante disguise, thinking they’re connected to a gang of looters called the Reds – and also offering charitable help. The work gang were once “the gang of eight” - Gutter Ginette and the nightbane Oriphelle. And he can handle himself in a fight too. Covering Writer’s taking of cogs and gears, Andy barely escapes.

A dressmaker, a bistro, and then a charity gala at City Hall. Threatened by the Reds. Switching clothes with Oriphelle, Saving the day. Being rumbled by Sir Roland. Mentioning how Oriphelle feels about him. Quite a day.

And then saving the Time Mice, and meeting Hero (who is riding in a flying gauntlet) and escaping back to...


She’s Not Our Hero

Lady Amanda Evangeline Dearheart
A lace top that Andy had grudgingly worn all of once while trying to lure out a vampire.
Movie monster
Wild magic

"These fashions are so strange. Do all future-people have no money? So little material, so light and not warm at all. Does this Mandy person wish to be a man? These dresses are hardly worn."

Andy goes in, and somebody who looks quite like Andy comes out. Though she doesn’t act like Andy and definitely doesn’t dress like him.

Joe keeps her busy and impresses her with the pastry selection at the Costa, Akiva describes himself as a love rival, they go to a movie and the monster escapes - although at least it waits until the credits.

Strega suggests wild magic, a more common problem since the Sword was drawn...

Strega's Knives!
Hunter's Mark!

Joe sheds the scarf and conjures a shield, floats down when flung aside, Akiva uses the scarf’s power to shoot bolts out, and then a metal gauntlet slams down from the sky through the hole in the roof, and Andy comes after it!

An awkward milkshake later explains that the portal is closed (with Writer, Worker and Cookies working on it) and Amanda makes plans for a double date!


Hell On Heels

A possibly magical evening gown
The sword as a novelty pen
Wolf monsters
Akiva with horns and a bleeding cut over his heart
Darkness concealment spell
Haunted House
"You look a bit like Wonder Woman. Glowing armour and all. And also tiny tiny angel wings like Victoria's Secret."
"I don't mix well with machines."
Drying off from a shower by magic
Crestwood University Alumnus Society
A confession, and a kiss
Containment spell via soda can
Teleporting to safety
Olivia’s action gauntlets
Time portal window
Olivia’s lagoon - "This was meant to be a safety pocket dimension. We need somebody to come rescue us."
Olivia’s survival kit lighter
Hyenas of shattering purple dark power
Hyena medallion
Charging cycle

"Now you go out there and try to have fun. And don't do what I'd do. And call me if there's monsters."

"You wore the wrong thing to fight monsters today."
"That's what I keep saying!"

Andy gets talked into double-dating with Akiva opposite Lady Amanda and Joe, and wearing a flouncy dress - though at least it’s long enough to hide his feet so Lisa gives him sneakers. And on the way they’re surrounded by wolf-things and harried into a haunted house...

They escape from that just as Akiva kisses Andy and then Joe and Amanda see that too. He tries to run, Joe teleports them all home, Lisa gets them to Olivia’s to cool off, and when that doesn’t work they have to dive through a window into a pocket dimension paradise island... and find there’s someone waiting there too.

The edge of the sword lights up red as the Hyena warrior approaches.

"Like you wouldn't just pick up something that offered you power if it was just there for the taking!"

Walton claims to have found the medallion in the dumpster at the back of EBP.

Andy attempts to let Steve down gently, and he takes it so well that Andy immediately regrets it.

Being comforted by Lisa, and then Joe and Akiva, he starts to feel a little more at peace.

And then Strega and Neriene announce that they have a way to change him back.



The Stone. As in The Sword And...
"We'll see the hero of ages and the twice-lived man soon."
A werewolf warlord

"Damn it, Chosen One. We thought you'd be happier you can get back to sitting with your legs apart and scratching in public."

The sword clearly does not want to be set down. In charm form it leaves a mark on his wrist.

Akiva acknowledges that he’d still be into original-style Andy.

Judy, Moody and Rudy check in on him, being good fellow students.

And then game night is interrupted with the announcement that the medallions have been stolen. Lisa and Joe want to keep Andy away and safe. Akiva is more concerned about the world ending.

Andy, trying to get back into his own life, meets a girl called Lauren who is pretty good with Tarot cards and sneaking phone numbers.

And then he gets back to find he’s missed a battle. Father Zed helping an injured Neriene, helped by a Stone Knight. Rayna and Ingrid, Chad and another werewolf.

And Writer and Hero! And Writer is wearing a cape with words on and a bent paperclip as a sword bracelet. But Andy can’t understand them, much to his dismay.

And Strega with a glittering eyepatch and a limp. And Father Zed silently disapproving of his choice.

He’s in the process of offering to help when - zap - he finds himself at Lauren’s, and not sure what the problem was. Strega needs him safe...

To be continued!


The Beginning

The Medal Lion
Shoddy imitation amulet beastmen
Frat Knight Footballers
Probably Olivia’s friends
A flying Roomba

"Oh, come on! You could at least act like it's hard to do this to me..."

Writer comes to get Andy, snapping him out of the distraction. Leaving Lauren, who somehow senses that it’s for the last time, he returns to the apartment... finding a temporarily paused apocalyptic final battle. Strega managed to draw the sword, breaking the stone in the process.

He takes up the sword, it welcomes him back and he becomes Mandy again in an instant.

A glimpse of the goddess, and of Joe dead...

Worker sets up a projector-style portal to get back into the fight as it unfreezes.

Stumbling into the battle, he goes to face the Medal Lion, an armored gryphon.

One of the Valkyries winks and blows him a kiss. He doesn’t know what’s up with that.

As Andy carries Joe out of danger, he points to the medallions the Lion is wearing on a chain. Asked for a distraction, he takes off and ignites his scarf, wreathed in blue flames.

The Lion shoots black lightning... rather like Akiva. It bears down on Joe, ignoring most of the other attacks, giving Andy a chance to get on and cut the chain.

Joe catches him as he lands.

"Um... Now I get to rescue you too?"
"We all rescue each other. That's how it works."

And for a moment, they hold hands.

Cookies moves in with Andy, to help save the world and keep the place tidy.

There isn't much of the stone to salvage. Maybe enough for a temporary fix. Someday.

Things seem a lot more normal, even if there is now a special dial above everybody's doorknob. Depending on where the dial was set, the door opens to either their bathroom, the back entrance of the building, the local metro, a King Arthur style command centre where Neriene laid out training plans, or the common living room that resembled the set from Friends...

Joe fixes the magic-eating scarf, Olivia defends herself from Spin The Bottle with a laser under a false thumbnail, Andy and Joe’s hands brush again...

And  four doors slamming open simultaneously.

"A witch has woken up the Frost Giants from their slumber! It's Ragnarok!" yelled Rayna, wearing a frozen crown, next to a frowning Strega.
"Milord! A sorority invited vampires to their party, and now there's a vampiric STD on campus!" exclaimed one of the Frat Knights, Father Zed's arm around him.
"Someone is going back in time to create a second sword to steal the powers of the Goddess!" This was Neriene, seething with rage.

The fourth was a tiny door on the top of the TV, and seemed to the rest to be strange, excitable squeaking. But only Andy could understand that it was Cookies explaining she had finished sewing a new dress for Mandy, and it was really flouncy.

"Okay. Valkyries are good against Frost Giants, fireballing might be good too." He looked to Joe for confirmation. "Also against vampires, but we can use their trust in darkness against them." He nodded to Akiva. "If we have to chase somebody back in time, be good to have somebody who can use a parallel sword." He turned to Lisa. "And..." he leaned down to eye level with Cookies and smiled warmly. "I guess if we're bending time, I can try that on if you're ready..."


Coming soon

Dark wings eclipsing the moon over Crestwood

Joe sending a spark from one index finger to another and back

A hand bursting out of a grave

Lisa loading a crossbow

A swirling orange portal

Akiva looking up intently with the wind through his hair

What looks like a 1960s peace protest at the campus quad

Olivia adjusting a pair of night-vision goggles

A cheerleader's pom-pom being picked up

Mandy looking confused as... Andy walks past?

He's Our Heroine
Season Two

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