Monday, July 21, 2014

Time travel dressing up (again)

Being British, I was raised on Dickens, Austen and more on BBC TV (and sometimes ITV) of a Sunday evening, so I'm likely to find an actress more attractive if she looks good in corsets and petticoats, and an actor if he can wear a top hat with aplomb.

Add the frisson of it being a modern girl sent back in time and it's better still! Having to cope with corsets and petticoats with our POV...

(The current Doctor Who companion Clara is cute as a button and has so far worn gorgeous Victorian dresses at least once a year.)

Lots of children's fiction involves time travel, and a lot of that got TV adaptations as well because (like Who) it was what they were really good at. Moondial sticks in my head as an example. It didn't even have much dressing up!

A non-children's example was Lost In Austen, in which the wistfully romantic but very modern Amanda  replaces Elizabeth Bennet in Pride And Prejudice and screws it up royally, like we all probably would. But oh, I'd like to try!

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