Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Jupiter Ascending

Jupiter Ascending is the new film from Lana and Andy Wachowski and is... a big weird mess. But from a transgender perspective there's some interesting stuff going on, as is usually the case with the Wachowskis.

Completely ordinary girl discovers she's really Queen of the galaxy and whisked off to a life of unimaginable luxury and beautiful dresses. A life which is also highly dangerous, but I guess it has to have a down side. Who hasn't wished they were really someone important? But her power here is symbolic and all about looking the part. The first choice she makes in the story after a lot of running and escaping is what to wear to a formal event. She's a lot more Cinderella than Neo, Dale Arden than Flash Gordon. That's a fantasy life that certainly speaks to this writer...

It's also about rejecting a world where you're defined by your genes. The appeal of that should be kind of obvious.

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