Thursday, August 28, 2014

I wish for...

The rustle of silk with every movement. The tap of a high heel with every step. The whisper of hose against hose. The bounce of soft curls. The taste of lipstick. The sway of hips and the swing of breasts.

No longer having to hide the woman I really am. I couldn't if I tried. No-one would ever mistake me for a man ever again.


  1. Aaaand all the sweet inconvenience, little side cares and impracticalities. Having twice as much clothing to run in the laundry, to iron, to keep an eye on...Applying scent, polishing nails, checking one's weight. Having to walk a tad slower and more sedately than the guys if in a hurry. Knowing that you might get groped on the butt by a stranger...Having to stay out of a fight when one would really like to punch the guy in his face because women don't fight that way and your clothing isn't fit for it. Mmmm...

    1. To be constantly reminded of my feminine state... yes...

    2. And being told to "hurry up, woman!" by some guys who want you to look presentable but are tapping their shoes into the floor with impatience as you're fixing your face once again and making sure you are looking up to the occasion. "Didn't she do that just three hours ago? Women, you know!" Or being kept out of a shop talk session that's taking place in the gents' room, waiting impatiently to hear what they will have come up with and clenching your hands in powerlessness while standing in the lobby with another lady...and when they come out, you force a smile even before anything is said... *wicked grin*
